Kokikai Aikido Winter Camp - Which Classes to Attend?

Testing Winter Camp 2007
Kokikai Aikido Winter Camp is approaching once again. This year (as always) many students will be attending camp for the first time. Many wonder, "Should I attend all of camp? If not, which classes will be the best to attend?" Often they hear that some of the classes are "mostly testing" and since those will be the "boring" ones, they choose others.

This is a beginner's mistake! Of course, the opportunity to practice under Sensei's teaching, with people we may not usually practice with, is certainly one of the joys of camp. But do not underestimate the value of watching testing! Here's why:

1. Watching testing trains your eye. Sensei says it is very important to "develop your eye," - to learn to distinguish what is real from what is fake, what is relaxed from what is stiff or tense.  You will learn to look for small details such as how nage's posture looks at the end of the throw,  or look for relaxed hands and face -  and then you can work on these things in your own technique. If you watch Sensei and are still trying to figure out "how did he do that?"...well, you have lots of company. But you will certainly learn better how to see Sensei, and other senior students, by watching testing.

2. One day you, too will be testing at camp. When that happens, you will be very grateful that 150+ people are watching your test attentively, with compassion for your flubs and enthusiasm for your success! 


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