ID, Please.

I was raped.
I have osteopoenia.
I didn't go to college.
I love puppies.
My back always hurts.
I'm an athlete.
I hate math.
I have beautiful breasts.
I walk funny.
I always wanted to learn a musical instrument.
I am creative.
I'm the friendly one.
Nobody ever notices me.
I'm the greatest martial artist.
I hate parties.
I love teaching.
I am suspicious.
My mother loves me best.
I'm a slow learner.
I'm strong.
I'm clumsy.
I'm getting old.
I'm a liberal.
I'm a Marine.
I'm a mother.
I'm American.
I'm gay.
I'm female.

These are thoughts. No matter how often we think them, they are not who we are. No matter how deeply held, our beliefs are not our essence.

You are so much more than your thoughts and beliefs.

Can you grow beyond them?


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