Correct Posture (In Everything)

In Kokikai Aikido we use four basic principles as a way to express the core ideas of our practice, in a way that's easy to remember. One of these is:

Correct Posture (in everything)

Good posture makes everything easier. In class we usually teach correct posture while standing or sitting. But the wording of the principle is Correct Posture (in everything). How many of us forget to have good posture as soon as the instructor stops talking about it? I think the part in parentheses is the most important part! 

Sensei often says, "Habit is second nature." We want to make good posture a habit, so that it becomes second nature. For me, it took many years of practice to unlearn my habit of poor posture. 

Making good posture a habit meant thinking about posture on the mat and off:  while walking, sitting, talking, playing music and working. I make use of any trick that may help me be mindful of my posture. An experienced aikidoka friend used to unobtrusively reach over, as I watched class during camp, to tuck my chin and straighten my back. My piano teacher would correct my posture, which invariably collapses, especially while I improvise. When I walk past my boss's office I remind myself "head back, chest out!"

Recently at Kokikai Aikido Summer Camp, one of my favorite instructors sat next to me as we watched Sensei's amazing technique. I don't think I was particularly paying attention to my posture as I watched. She leaned over and said, "Your posture is much better!" Perhaps good posture is finally becoming second nature to me!


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